Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Modeling: Plant

This week according to the production schedule, everyone also needed to focus on their assigned assets/characters to model and UV. I know I am not the best at modeling and am fully aware that my first model most likely won't be useable, but with each rendition I plan on learning and getting much better so that I reach a quality I know fit for our film. Right now I'm currently working on a plant that will be located on a planet that the satellite character enters.

My first attempt at the model resulted in this...

INT014 001 AJM from Ashley Jane on Vimeo.

After watching a few tutorials I learned a better way of creating roots by creating a curve, placing it on a face, and extruding. From there I made some adjustments to the taper and twist to create a more natural and tentacle-like feel for the roots of the plants. Here is a work in progress update of my previous model. I also started to UV the asset, so you'll see that the plant is partially textured with a checkerboard.

MorrowA Pr1 PLA003 from Ashley Jane on Vimeo.


One of the main elements of focus this week consisted around fixing story adjustments and final tweaks to the animatic. The feedback we received from our previous story reel consisted some of the following...

   Add point of view or over the shoulder shot of Gan comparing crystal rock to star
   Speed up title, cut black between shots and make Titan enter screen from the very beginning of the shot
   Trim/speed up sequence of Titan flying through destroyed planets
   Change egg plant Titan flies around to some other plant
   When Titan is trying to get Gan’s attention, pull back to see his disappointed expression and change position of body (do not entirely cover face)
   Holograms REappear after shot of Titan struggling
   Add negative space to make Titan’s silhouette clearer in the shot where he notices him
   Better silhouette in head cock scene [separate characters]
   When Gan turns to look at destroyed planets [in realization] and turns back, make sure direction is consistent
   Add close up of reaction when Titan dies

Shorten the scanning that Titan does initially
         Celestial logo is too long. Get to the story so we can grab the audience quicker

Speed up Titan's movements

During the intro of the film the time lapse needs to be more clear.
         -make city lights appear on the planet as it develops

Make Titan's death more dramatic. It happens to fast. Shot should linger so the audience has time to get "the feels."
      -flickering/sparking/smoking, and titan dies in his hands

Make the destruction in the holograms that Titan projects to Celestial being in color.

Destruction during the planet needs to be longer
         -didn’t feel Titan was in a dangerous position and needs to be emphasized.
Needs more cuts between the 2 characters during the climax for more of a buildup.
Too much time between Titan and Gan after Gan shocks with lightning. The timing should be fixed so it’s more apparent that Gan was the reason for Titans hurt.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Start Marketing!

Marketing is something I enjoy doing and what better way to start communicating the value of our short film and attracting an audience than to start with social media. Today I decided to create a facebook and twitter profile for Celestial. I plan on posting regular status updates and occasional concepts of the film and basically portray an overall sense of the direction we are heading in. Networking and getting Celestial recognized through social media will be a great organizational function and start toward creating, communicating, managing future donators, gathering an audience, and building long term relationships. 

Below are the social media links for Celestial. There you can follow and like our page and get regular updates from the team and I. 

Celestial Facebook

Celestial Twitter